Sunday, February 28, 2016

“We are responsible for every situation in which we find ourselves”

Saturday, February 27, 2016


We have to aim for more toxins coming out then going in so diet is crucial to health & vitality & happiness.
All cooked food of toxic to some extent because the heat changes the structure of the food. So if we can aim for 50% raw & 50% cooked will pay dividents.

Whenever you cook food, whether it’s on a stove top, in an oven, on a grill, in a microwave, or in a fryer, not only does the molecular structure of the food become denatured, deranged, and/ or degraded, but those molecules are changed into new chemical configurations (this is a bad thing) and carcinogenic and mutagenic byproducts are formed.

Grilling, barbecuing, smoking and frying are the worst offenders; they are literally the fires of death, but steaming also affects the food. You know that old saying that there are more nutrients in the water of steamed veggies than are actually left in the veggies when they are done steaming? That’s because heat destroys nutrients, especially the water soluble vitamins like vitamin C and all the B vitamins. The heating of food also destroys the food’s enzymes. In fact, 100% of the food’s enzymes are destroyed at temperatures as low as 118 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition, the oxygen and water content of the food is drastically decreased, fats are carcinogenized, crabs are caramelized and proteins are coagulated and become virtually unusable by the body. Even the fiber in food loses that sweeping-like action in the colon.
The heating of food also creates toxic byproducts. 

 WARNING:- This is particularly true of heated oils. All refined oils change structure when heated. The only oils that be used for cooking are coconut oil or ghee.

Digestive leukocytosis:
The term leukocytosis refers to an increase in white blood cells, indicating the body is in attack mode. This commonly occurs when you are sick; your white blood cells come out to protect you. It may surprise you to know this immune response also occurs when you consume cooked food. lt is referred to as digestive leukocytes, but it’s interesting to note, this reaction does not occur after eating raw/uncooked food.

Accelerated aging, lowered pH and free radical formation: Also called, lipofuscin, a build-up of toxic, acidic waste material often referred to as “free radicals” accumulates in the skin (and reveals itself as age spots), liver, nervous sys· tem and brain when consuming large amounts of cooked food. Your pH becomes acidic and you are literally rusting from the inside out.

Weakened immune system, disease production and overworked and enlarged pancreas and other organs: When you are not getting the proper nutrients, your white blood cells are always out in attack mode and toxic wastes are in full circulation, your weak and overworked body breeds common ailments such as allergies, head· aches, sinusitis, diabetes, heart disease, erectile dysfunction, depression, arthritis, osteoporosis, and various cancers thrive.

Intestinal toxemia, unfriendly flora build-up and more difficult digestion: Colonies of unfriendly bacteria take over the colon as they feed on the thick tarlike, undigested and uneliminated cooked food putrefying in the intestines. There is also a significant decrease in the quantity of healthy intestinal flora in the colon, often leading to digestion difficulties. A plant-based uncooked diet decreases the toxic load in the colon and de· creases the unfriendly bacteria and other dangerous byproducts that contribute to colon cancer.

Toxic waste accumulation and mucoid plaque build-up in the blood and colon: A congested bowel full of putrefied cooked food can lead to backup and reabsorption of toxins back into the bloodstream. This accumulation of wastes in the blood vessels can contribute to many of to» day’s common circulatory problems such as heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and even erectile dysfunction, and may also contribute to many other common health challenges such as gout, arthritis and various cancers. In addition, common ailments such as runny noses, headaches, asthma and even diarrhea can be signs of a “healing crisis” where the body is overwhelmed and is trying to rid itself   of unwanted mucus and toxins.

Malnutrition & deficiency of important nutrients: Many of those who regularly cat cooked food find themselves always hungry and always eating but totally malnourished, for the nutrient make- up of cooked food is diminished significantly, so the body is always craving more and more.

Depletion of the food’s life force: As shown in kirlian photography, cooking literally kills food; its bioelectrical energy is destroyed. After cooking, the food is considered “dead.”

Increased risk of diseases of all types: The cooking of food, especially at high temperatures, literally burns away the anti-disease and anti-cancer properties of food. A diet lacking in raw veggies has been implicated in everything from breast and colon cancer to heart disease, diabetes and even arthritis.

At the very least we can eat 50% raw salads etc before we eat cooked food. This will go a long way in ensuring good health.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Power of Lemons

Yellow Lemons
(Lemons are vitamin C rich citrus fruits that enhance your beauty, by rejuvenating skin from within bringing a glow to your face. One of the major health benefits of drinking lemon water is that it paves way for losing weight faster, thus acting as a great weight loss remedy. Lemon water flushes out body toxins and is extremely beneficial for the body. Warm lemon water serves as the perfect ‘good morning drink’, as it aids the digestive system and makes the process of eliminating the waste products from the body easier. It prevents the problem of constipation and diarrhea, by ensuring smooth bowel functions)

Lemons At MarketHealth Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water
a)   Lemon is an excellent and rich source of vitamin C, an essential nutrient that protects the body against immune system deficiencies.
b)      Lemons contain pectin fiber which is very beneficial for colon health and also serves as a powerful antibacterial.
c)      It balances maintain the pH levels in the body.
d)      Having warm lemon juice early in the morning helps flush out toxins. It has a synergizing effect on the body as it helps soothe the digestive system.
e)      It aids digestion and encourages the production of bile. It conditions and clenches the liver.
f)       It is also a great source citric acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.
g)      It helps prevent the growth and multiplication of pathogenic bacteria that cause infections and diseases.
h)      It helps reducing pain and inflammation in joints and knees as it dissolves uric acid. It helps cure the common cold.
i)       The potassium content in lemon helps nourish brain and nerve cells.
j)       It liquefies the bile and also helps regulate the excess flow of bile.
k)      It strengthens the liver by providing energy to the liver enzymes when they are too dilute.
l)       It helps balance the calcium and oxygen levels in the liver.
m)    It helps dissolve gall bladder stones and other calcium build ups that are dangerous to the body.
n)      It is of immense benefit to the skin and it prevents the formation of wrinkles and acne.
o)     It helps maintain the health of the eyes and helps fight against eye problems.
p)      It has an alkalizing effect on the body.
q)      Aids in the production of digestive juices.
r)       It helps purify the blood. 

Lemons growing on lemon tree

Sunday, February 21, 2016


There are a LOT of toxins in our world today. 
Detoxing is an essential. Did you know a sluggish liver causes us to feel angry? Toxins cause premature ageing, reduced energy, cause inflammation, disrupt hormones, cause brain fog & low energy among many other disadvantages.      There are many ways to detox.

  •     Did you know 14% of detox occurs through breathing so we can all learn to breathe properly. It will also keep us balanced.

  •    Colon therapy and/or enemas. The colon is our waste pipe, if it clogged the body has nowhere to dump the toxins & the body (in an effort to protect itself) wraps the toxins in fat & stores them to reduce damage by the toxins.

There are fast ways to detox which will be accompanied by detox symptoms such as headaches, fever, etc.

The other slower ways are to add raw vegetable juices (cucumber, romaine lettuce, celery, beetroot) to your diet & other protocols such as having a hot water drink every morning with the juice of a lemon added & a pinch of cayenne pepper & eat a healthy diet

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Benefits of Cayenne Pepper

Beneficial to the heart and the flow of blood throughout the body, cayenne raises body temperature, which dilates blood vessels and improves circulation. It thins the blood, remove its toxins and rebuilds cells. The spice is also able to normalize blood pressure, reduce hypertension, and get rid of blockages in arteries and veins.
The benefits of cayenne also include an ability to fight cancer. The capsaicin actually induces cancer cells to kill themselves in a process called “apoptosis.” It also has the ability to disrupt the integrity of fungal cells, which means the spice can be used to treat fungal infections.
Cayenne pepper can also activate sensory nerves and relieve rheumatism and arthritis pain. This is due to the fact that capsaicin holds anti-inflammatory properties.
Also helpful for weight loss, to stop bleeding, to prevent scar formation, and for digestion, it is clear the effects of cayenne pepper on the body are many.
     Benefits of Detoxing

     Clear skin glowing complexion
     More energy
     Improved immunity
     Balanced weight
     Heathier hair & nails
     Blood sugar balanced
    Slow down ageing
     Improved blood circulation
    Reduced allergies


The benefits of ginger are well known.One can understand its power when it is considered that ginger is part of a plant family which has turmeric & cardamom as members. 

It adds to the spicy taste in Indian curries.

Ginger is:
1) a powerful anti-inflammatory 
2) anti blood clotting ability
3) helps with digestion
4) helps with infections, especially if you can stand to eat it raw.
5) Ginger can help with reducing blood sugar. The more you reduce the need for Insulin the healthier you will be.
6)High cholesterol & migraine & pain relief. 

Read this research on Ginger

Saturday, February 13, 2016


The story of Gouranga bear.....

Premanjali gifted this bear to me & I took it to my previous work. For countless years he sat on the Advice Session Supervisor's desk and he STILL sits in the same place.
I left him in the capable hands of my long time friend & colleague, Bobbie when I had to change my place of work.
So even today Gouranga Bear is making everyone happy & saying Gouranga to all the new volunteers who come to work there.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Happiness is sharing Gouranga with others.

Went to see a friend who is in St Gemma’s Hospice as she is quite sick.
I gave her a massage with essential oils. Some of the nurses came in, attracted by the enticing smells of Frankincense mixed with Vetivert. They all wanted a massage too. I promised them one if they all said Gouranga & of course they called out Gouranga.

I was able to speak with my friend & reassure her that the soul is eternal & was able to recount some stories about children who remembered their past lives. She seemed more settled.


Check out this comprehensive article about the benefits or non benefits of milk.
Then make up your mind which road you wish to take.

Gouranga, Be Happy & Healthy

Once a week I run advice surgeries at different venues & I have made friends with the people who work there.
A couple of weeks ago one of the workers there pointed out she was wearing purple as was I so we had a laugh. This week I specifically went to thank her for bringing the customers to the room I occupy. She commented that neither of us are wearing purple but then pointed to my GOURANGA badge & said you have sneaked a bit of purple in. More laughter followed.

It is so wonderful to connect with people & start them on their journey to where every step is a dance & every word is a song, where there is only eternal bliss & knowledge.

Curcumin/Turmeric - The Golden herb

Benefits of Turmeric

1) Turmeric reduces inflammation in the body. Inflammation accompanies all disease.
 Reducing inflammation will help to reduce disease. :)

2) Turmeric greatly increases antioxidant capacity of the body. Antioxidants are needed to combat free radicals which damage the body.

3) Curcumin enhances brain function & increases a positive mood.

4) Curcumin/Turmeric increase energy & help with stress resiliency.

5) Curcimin helps the body to reduce need for Insulin, aids the pancreas thus helps with metabolic processes.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Watch this!
I have had out of body experiences & have many friends who have experienced near death experiences. So just accept the truth for a moment, that we are the soul inhabiting the body for a temporary period. What does that say to you?
The parents of all the children in this series did not believe in re-incarnation before their children told them about their previous lives.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Met a distressed lady who is now alone after many years of marriage. Her friend was there too. Was able to have an amazing conversation about the fact that material life is temporary. We are actors becoming involved in the drama taking place on stage. As it is temporary we need not take it so very seriously.
     We spoke about re-incarnation & the lady was totally amazed as she had been discussing the very same subject with her friend moments before I arrived.
At the end I brought out my ‘magic’ laminated Gouranga cards & both of the people there chose one each.
                I had cause to ring this lady the next day & as soon as she realised it was me she shouted GOURANGA & told me how she had just called her cousin in the USA to tell her God had sent a lovely person to visit her.

We are all connected, belonging to the Supreme Lord so helping another to start their journey to the spiritual world is real service because eventually it will end all their temporary suffering.