About Me

I am simply an incredibly fortunate servant of the Supreme Lord, the Lord of everyone, the Lord who LOVES every single soul with such love that we cannot even imagine it.

I am the most fortunate because my Lord uses me as an instrument to connect all souls to Himself, because that is what is best for them. He uses me as an instrument to lovingly hug everyone.

I am the most fortunate for my wonderful brother who brought me to Krishna & who has always inspired me to serve more & with all my heart. I owe him everything.
Then I am the most fortunate for having a most merciful spiritual master who gives me his blessings without reservation along with encouragement & transcendental love.

My experiences of life shaped me along with the most merciful Lord, My Spiritual Master & my brother.


  1. My Spiritual Master told me that that everyone's Good Lord loves everyone beyond measure & also that people's love for each other is limited thus we should reflect the love the Lord has for people to them via the heart & this is what I try to do.
    The evidence that it works is the people in my surgery always want to see me. Why because they feel someone cares about them. With practising a spiritual life comes a tender heart. Try it for yourself & see the results. More peace, contentment, happiness, the ability to connect with people & make a difference to their lives in a positive way.

  2. Everyone is on their own journey, chosen by themselves so judging others is not helpful. Good to accept everyone is where they want to be, where they need to be, neverthless it is important to offer someone knowledge which will lead to the end of their suffering. Whether they accept that knowledge or the helping hand is entirely up to them.
